• Developer Driven Testing

    Developer Driven Testing

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    The other side of the moon We’ve all heard about the Test-Driven Development, but how about the reversed approach – Developer Driven Testing (DDT)? What can we gain and what can we lose by writing our code before writing tests? Let’s explore this approach to software development, which implies setting up QA processes without a QA…
  • Test Driven Development

    What is Test Driven Development (TDD)?

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    Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development process in which a developer writes test of their code before writing the code itself. The test-first concept encourages repetition of very short development cycles with the writing of just enough code to pass the test. 
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    It is a known fact that such prominent brands as Cisco, Adidas, Nokia, Samsung, Skype and many others are increasing their production capabilities by outsourcing some of their tasks or project. In many cases, this is not because they lack people, but because of a lack in some specific competence or expertise.
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    It’s no surprise that hiring a good specialist is a critical thing for any project. However, the less you know about the way their work should be accomplished, the fewer possibilities you have to approach the hiring process critically. So what should you know to make it right and get worthy specialists on the board?…
  • mean stack

    Introducing the MEAN stack

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    The Disruption Technology disruption has already disrupted. Everything has changed with the pace of digital revolution, from our everyday lives to the way how we work and code. The fast moving and diverse environment of web development is no exception. During the recent years everybody in the web community speaks about the MEAN stack. What…
  • User experience design patterns

    UX design patterns

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    Information technology is full of patterns, which help us analyze the world and create things with a guarantee of fitting users demands. Loosely speaking, the pattern is a regularity that one can use to build similarly looking and functioning systems. For instance, software developers identify and use patterns to create reusable solutions for solving similar…
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    All our interactions with the Internet are about exchanging data. We go online to get information, but we also have to be ready to give our personal details. So does it mean that any service can use personal information of the user if he gets to interact with it? It has been so, but the…
  • dedicated team pros and cons

    Pros and cons of the dedicated team model

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    In this article, I will guide you through dedicated team pros and cons. We’ll see what it’s suitable for and how you can integrate it into your work processes. The main idea of this model is that the client hires a separate dedicated development team for working on a particular project (for instance, new product…
  • ruby on rails vs javascript

    Node.js vs Ruby on Rails

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    7 min
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    In recent times, software development has become all about frameworks. Why? The main reason is that creating from scratch such a sophisticated program as a web application may take a lot of time and efforts. Don’t take it wrong – I mean not the “Hello World” type of apps but those that provide excellent user…
  • node.js vs php

    Node.js vs PHP

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    There’s no doubt – PHP is the most known and commonly used language for server-side scripting. Before Django and Ruby on Rails gained popularity (2005-2006), there was hardly any more suitable option for back-end than PHP. However, the tech world is fastly evolving in the direction of simplicity (“Javascript everywhere”) – what used to be…