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Vasyl Varkholyak

    About the author

    Vasyl Varkholyak, Co-Founder and CTO of LaSoft, leads a team of 55 multi-talented and experienced professionals, including software engineers, designers, project managers, and QAs. Vasyl helps companies elevate their technology capabilities by providing top IT talent and technical expertise. He believes that every company will eventually become an IT company, and having the right talent onboard is crucial for staying competitive. By offering free evaluations and aligning visions with clients, Vasyl ensures that LaSoft delivers efficient, effective, and affordable technology solutions.

    Vasyl’s articles

    • and
      Published on
      This interview seeks to clarify the myths and realities surrounding AI, offering a balanced perspective to readers keen on understanding the potential and pitfalls of artificial intelligence in modern society.
    • Ionic vs. React Native: Let the Battle Begin!

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      2 min
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      The world is rapidly going mobile, and everybody uses dozens of mobile apps daily. Apps are mushrooming in all segments of business: healthcare, construction, finance, transportation, and logistics, etc. More and more enterprises are leveraging mission-critical mobile apps to improve their operational efficiency, track performance, and drive sales. And here comes the question: which technology…
    • Developer Driven Testing

      Developer Driven Testing

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      3 min
      Published on
      The other side of the moon We’ve all heard about the Test-Driven Development, but how about the reversed approach – Developer Driven Testing (DDT)? What can we gain and what can we lose by writing our code before writing tests? Let’s explore this approach to software development, which implies setting up QA processes without a QA…
    • Test Driven Development

      What is Test Driven Development (TDD)?

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      4 min
      Published on
      Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development process in which a developer writes test of their code before writing the code itself. The test-first concept encourages repetition of very short development cycles with the writing of just enough code to pass the test. 
    • mean stack

      Introducing the MEAN stack

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      4 min
      Published on
      The Disruption Technology disruption has already disrupted. Everything has changed with the pace of digital revolution, from our everyday lives to the way how we work and code. The fast moving and diverse environment of web development is no exception. During the recent years everybody in the web community speaks about the MEAN stack. What…
    • ruby on rails vs javascript

      Node.js vs Ruby on Rails

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      7 min
      Published on
      In recent times, software development has become all about frameworks. Why? The main reason is that creating from scratch such a sophisticated program as a web application may take a lot of time and efforts. Don’t take it wrong – I mean not the “Hello World” type of apps but those that provide excellent user…
    • node.js vs php

      Node.js vs PHP

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      6 min
      Published on
      There’s no doubt – PHP is the most known and commonly used language for server-side scripting. Before Django and Ruby on Rails gained popularity (2005-2006), there was hardly any more suitable option for back-end than PHP. However, the tech world is fastly evolving in the direction of simplicity (“Javascript everywhere”) – what used to be…
    • best node.js books

      Top 20 Node.JS books that you should read

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      9 min
      Published on
      Diving into back-end development is obviously tough. But it can be way easier if the back-end language of your choice is already familiar to you. For those who come from Javascript background, Node.js should be a good option and not only because of Javascript knowledge. In this article, I want to introduce you to the…
    • django vs rails

      Django VS Rails as development frameworks

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      7 min
      Published on
      There’s a bunch of the most discussed questions on the Internet, and one of them certainly is: “Django vs Rails: which one to choose?”. Both of them are open source web frameworks that provide all the necessary functionality for developing web applications, which relies on MVC model (in Django, “view” part is placed in templates,…