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About the author

The LaSoft editorial team is composed of dedicated professionals who create and curate content that addresses the business development needs of our target audience. With expertise in digital marketing, SEO, and content management, the team produces insightful articles, case studies, and guides that help businesses leverage technology for growth and success. Their combined experience and strategic approach ensure that the content is both engaging and valuable, fostering a deep connection with our readers and supporting the company's mission to deliver exceptional value through technology.

LaSoft’s articles

  • Published on
    In a recent interview published on Website Planet, LaSoft’s CEO, Dmytro Bilyk, offers a comprehensive look into the company’s innovative strategies and commitment to client-centric solutions.
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    Ukraine, located in Eastern Europe, has made significant progress in IT for over a decade and has earned a good place among US and European software development and web development services.
  • Published on
    Python is a widely popular computer coding language, and one that the LaSoft team has experience in, as one of the best Python providers from Ukraine for outsourced software projects. Ukraine has become as one of the top destinations for software development services.
  • and
    Published on
    This interview seeks to clarify the myths and realities surrounding AI, offering a balanced perspective to readers keen on understanding the potential and pitfalls of artificial intelligence in modern society.
  • Published on
    An ambitious project undertaken by our USA client saved a third of a million dollars through the adoption of machine learning technologies, specifically image recognition.
  • mobile apps development

    Mobile Apps: The Key to Business Prosperity

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    4 min
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    In today’s digital era, where technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, businesses must adapt to the changing landscape to ensure their prosperity. One significant trend that has emerged in recent years is the increasing reliance on mobile technology.
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    In the dynamic world of technology, each breakthrough and blunder carries its own narrative. Today, we explore the archives to present some of the most astonishing anecdotes from the IT world.
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    “If you’re not ashamed of the first version of your product, you launched it too late.” This profound statement from Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, is a testament to the significant role of MVP (Minimum Viable Product) development in the entrepreneurial journey. Delving deep into the concept of MVP, we’ll explore its essence, importance, and…
  • Published on
    In a digital era marked by rapid innovation and shifting sands, the values a software company adheres to can set it apart from the competition. LaSoft, a technology-driven entity, stands tall not just due to its tech prowess but also its deeply ingrained values. These values, available for all to see on our values page,…
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    Software companies, like all organizations, benefit from having clear and articulated values because they form the foundation of the company’s culture, identity, and decision-making processes. These values go beyond mere words on a mission statement; they represent the guiding principles and beliefs that shape the company’s behavior, interactions, and impact.