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HR and Recruitment industry case studies

HR technology solutions help directors and business owners improve their employee management and increase company performance across the board.

We help automate and streamline existing processes like recruiting, onboarding, adaptation, employee support, salary review, and offboarding. We also help integrate modern trends into the digital life of the company.

In our portfolio, you will find HR and recruitment solutions like Web HR management platforms, human resources mobile apps, HRM modules (including recruitment, onboarding, performance tracking, training, and payroll components), SaaS, consulting web applications.


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  • Web Development
  • Product Design
HR digital transformationHR digital transformation

OutSail is a web platform dedicated to helping businesses find the right HR software solution to address their specific challenges.

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HR digital transformationHR digital transformation


  • USA flag
  • Web Development
  • Product Design
HR digital transformationHR digital transformation

The tool for HR and management that helps to make compensation decisions based on the various data points provided - performance rating, market data, internal average salaries, date of hire, last pay change date, etc.

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HR digital transformationHR digital transformation

Employee Loyalty Monitoring System

  • Holland flag
  • Web Development
  • Mobile Design
  • Product Design
Employee Loyalty Monitoring SystemEmployee Loyalty Monitoring System

The system which helps constantly monitor the work environment within a company in order to help Executive Teams with corrective actions and work environment predictions. The questions of the system will be based on The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire. Among others the provides: an immediate score on the organization's level of employment satisfaction, compare score across industry, job title, salary, education, gender, age, seniority, time in current job etc., an actionable and situational specific guidance to management about what needs to be done to develop and improve the work environment, etc.

Employee Loyalty Monitoring SystemEmployee Loyalty Monitoring System

Recruitment Agency Dashboard

  • USA flag
  • Web Development
  • Mobile Design
  • Product Design
Recruitment Agency DashboardRecruitment Agency Dashboard

A dashboard for Recruitment agency / department which automates day to day activities, and illustrates progress.

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Recruitment Agency DashboardRecruitment Agency Dashboard

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