Software Development Blog

Category: Software Development

Why Code Refactoring Is Vital for Your Software Product Longevity?

In the current dynamic digital environment, all businesses aim to have reliable, expandable, and effective software solutions. However, the code underlying these solutions can become a complex web of interdependencies, making updates challenging and dangerous. You’re not the only one who has ever questioned why you should budget for something as obscure as “code refactoring.” Refactoring is a strategic investment in your software’s long-term health and, consequently, the longevity of your software product, even though it may initially appear like

IT Outsourcing to Ukraine: Risk or an Opportunity?

Despite the ongoing unprecedented changes posed by the full-scale Russian invasion, Ukraine’s IT sector remains operational and thriving. Although the situation is challenging, the country is going through a testament to the spirit of the Ukrainians and their unwavering commitment to excellence and progress in any professional field. Ukrainian IT companies continue to attract clients globally, offering highly skilled experts, cost-effective services, English proficiency, and a solid intent to innovate changes in the world community. Ukrainian software development companies continue

UK Skills Shortage in Tech: How To Fill the Gap With Nearshore Teams

The world has witnessed global competition for tech talents for the past few years. And the tendency is growing at a significant pace. The UK is at a pivotal moment in its technology sector, facing a daunting skills shortage in UK due to a global shortage of technology and science-skilled workers. However, the country also faces an “economically inactive people” phenomenon. As of 2022, 22% of working-age people in England, Scotland, and Wales were out of work and not looking

Best Practices for Sustainable Software Development: Green Efficiency Principles

As the world moves towards sustainable practices, we must consider how software development can contribute to a greener future. Sustainable software development principles are guidelines that help developers create applications that minimize their environmental impact. Yet, many companies still practice nonsustainable software architecture, increasing energy consumption and leading to unconscious software development. Let’s take a closer look at each of the principles, from carbon efficiency to reducing global digital energy consumption, and discuss their significance in creating eco-friendly software. By

Building Software Products: The Team’s Guide to Product Discovery

Many startup founders often discover they have made false assumptions about the users’ real needs after the software product’s release. And that’s a disaster. You have invested your money in a product that doesn’t meet the user’s expectations. So it can never be successful on the market. The LaSoft team’s advice is not to neglect the product discovery stage, as it is vital in software development and greatly increases the product’s chances of success. The product discovery stage goals are

Does Software Development in Switzerland Need Nearshore as a Solution?

Nearshore has become an increasingly popular business practice for many companies worldwide. By transferring some of their operations to locations closer to their home country, businesses can lower costs, reduce risks, and enhance their competitiveness. Switzerland is no exception. The country has been exploring the potential of nearshore, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, with its high labor, rental, and operational costs. But is nearshore the solution that Switzerland needs? We will consider the pros and cons of nearshore in Switzerland

Software Development Trends and Predictions for 2024

In 2024 the software development industry will face rapid technological advancement as well as new security challenges. The importance of evaluating risks, testing continuously & ensuring compliance is essential prior to full-scale product deployment. Software development is transforming the way we live in the future. This year we witnessed obsession over AI/ML resulting from generative artificial intelligence. The focus of the year remained on finding an optimal balance between efficiency and security.