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Recommendation Systems case studies

Since 2014, the LaSoft team has been implementing digital transformation services for insurance, telecommunication, human resources, recruitment, marketing, healthcare, real estate, education, sports tech, and other industries.

Recommendation systems are designed to suggest relevant things to users (texts to read, movies to watch, products to buy, or something else, depending on the industry). They are essential in some industries because, if they are efficient, they can generate a large amount of income or provide a way to stand out from the competition. Different categories of methods give the users relevant choices: collaborative filters, content-based methods, and classification models.

The Spoke

  • USA flag
  • Web Development
  • Mobile Design
  • Product Design
The SpokeThe Spoke

The Spoke is a massive user portal with personal lists of movies, dishes, festivals, fun & games and other entertainment topics, which users can keep in a safe place and share with their friends. The Spoke works like Spotify, where users can create or follow any list.

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The SpokeThe Spoke


  • USA flag
  • Web Development
  • Mobile Design
  • Product Design

Age Line is a project that provides reliable content about the aging process, healthcare providers, places to live, programs, and businesses that can assist and elevate all things age-friendly. The Lasoft team developed a machine-learning solution that finds relevant city photos and updates those in the system's database without human interaction. As a result of the project, the client saved $300K, which was 30,000 hours of repetitive human work.

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