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    Let’s play a game! Imagine, you have a huge e-commerce store, or online catalog, or website portfolio. Things are going very well, every day hundreds (or even thousands) users visit your website, spent some time and then left, without any conversion action. What should you need to do, or change in order to return those…
  • Localization for your existing project

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    What is Localization? Localization is the process of adapting a product or content to a specific locale or market. It is a very important issue for companies that want to sell their products or services internationally. As a result, it increases the number of users worldwide, improves conversions and engagement. More visitors – more sales…
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    The Spoke is a generally new way of experiencing the good-old “happiness content” (like movies for thy mind and cafés for thy heart). Released on The Product Hunt platform, they have all the prospects to become a new Netflix, or Amazon Prime (or even smth bigger in my view). And like all of the highly…
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    Recommendation systems are a large class of models, the purpose of which is to increase business and service performance due provision of relevant recommendations to the user at the right place, at the right time and through the right communication channel. Especially when you use the right software development company. PRINCIPLE OF WORK OF RECOMMENDATION SYSTEMS AND…
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    Recommendation systems are a large class of models, the purpose of which is to increase business and service performance due provision of relevant recommendations to the user at the right place, at the right time and through the right communication channel. Especially when you use the right software development company. Every day, millions of people…
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    Ethics as science is ancient, as our world. And tedious – also as our world:) But the curious thing in ethical concepts and principals is their flexibility to the real-life conditions. Every time when new field or sphere arises on the horizon, ethic, as many-headed hydra, grows up the new head. The same story had…
  • Ionic vs. React Native: Let the Battle Begin!

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    The world is rapidly going mobile, and everybody uses dozens of mobile apps daily. Apps are mushrooming in all segments of business: healthcare, construction, finance, transportation, and logistics, etc. More and more enterprises are leveraging mission-critical mobile apps to improve their operational efficiency, track performance, and drive sales. And here comes the question: which technology…