You never knew you need it: Release on demand + TheSpoke

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The Spoke is a generally new way of experiencing the good-old “happiness content” (like movies for thy mind and cafés for thy heart).

Released on The Product Hunt platform, they have all the prospects to become a new Netflix, or Amazon Prime (or even smth bigger in my view). And like all of the highly potential companies, The Spoke has it’s very own legend. As the Spoke CEO Tom Stern said, The Spoke was created of the necessity of the love affairs. For now, I don’t have video proofs of Tom Stern telling us about his lucky girlfriend & excel spreadsheet, but I’m sure by the end of the year that story will become as legendary as Lady Gaga’s Shallow story.

The functionality of The Spoke varies: from reading enlightening conclusions about your favorite (or brand new) films/series, or cafés/restaurants all around the USA to creating your own list of what to watch and where to go and sharing them with your friends.

As a new user I can compare The Spoke to commonly known social networks like Tinder (with possibility to swipe left, right or up when you want to give a review to a film or a café) and Instagram, where you can gain followers from your friends on Facebook and connect to all of your favorite entertaining platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO, Showtime, etc.

What about the advantages? I can easily say, The Spoke provides a higher speed and a well-designed website that is gradually evolving into its own App. The user-friendly design of The Spoke with its intuitive user’s journey protects your time & nerves so you don’t need to waste 15 minutes trying to figure out how to register and find your personal cabinet. Log in and start your research by checking your friends’ preferences. 



Find all the lists with movies and restaurants and let them know what you think by granting the stars. 


Do you want to see popular noir-movie on Netflix? Then you have eventually discovered the right place. In the Search section, you can choose the genre and platform of the movie, filter them and scroll down to final results. The same with cafés, though in that case, you’ll need to filter them by location.


The cherry on the cake. Observe movies and beloved spots which you previously had given reviews to and filtered them by either topic, genre or location, etc.


It doesn’t need any extra explanations: your individual cabinet, where you can see your followers, activities, and settings to the entire Spoke-System.

Create a List

Do you have smth that is worth sharing to the world? Then you should design your very own list with films or cafes in that section. It could be a top 10 movies that made you cry or 5 cafes in California for a perfect date. The main rule is to share your lists with your buddies. What a lovely rule!

Find People

Feeling lonely this evening? Then you’ve definitely found the right place! People you may know, Popular, People followed by your friends, Best match by taste, Top movie people, Top food specialists and many more are waiting for you on this page.

Invite Friends

The Spoke community is young, which means you can help us to speed up our growth. Invited some of your friends by email to the Spoke and make your Mom proud of you!

Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

Relevant information for demanding users about the rules and principles of The Spoke community. This part also includes information about the rights of holders and stakeholders.

One of the main advantages of working with TheSpoke is its ability to adjust to the needs of the users and flexibility in the decisions. They proved it when a few months ago TheSpoke tried a new trendy dev model called Release on Demand.

What’s this?

Release on demand allows new functionality to be deployed into production and released immediately or incrementally to customers based on their personal “demand”. Release on demand is the final dimension in the four-part Continuous Delivery Pipeline, preceded by Continuous Exploration (CE), Continuous Integration (CI), and Continuous Deployment (CD).

Those three dimensions help to ensure that new functionality will be created in the blink of an eye and verified in the production environment. But since tangible development value only occurs when end users are operating the Solution in their environment. Releasing that value at the right time is critical for the enterprise to gain the real benefits of agility. The decision as to when and what to release is a key economic driver that requires careful consideration. For many, Continuous Delivery is the desired goal. New functionality is released as soon as it is developed. While at other sites release is a decoupled, on-demand activity, occurring for specific users, timed according to their needs or when it makes the most economic sense for the Enterprise. 

After these few months of working on such a model, TheSpoke’s crew are ready to tell a lot of useful stuff however all of that we can easily integrate into seven significant points:

  1. Release on demand is a great approach for startups, where the rapid appearance of functionality is very important and where some of the small bugs, which may appear are usually fixed with a time lag. At the same time, it is not suitable for large enterprise projects and those which are especially related to payments and so on, where bugs are unacceptable.
  2. With the release on demand, the web development team of TheSpoke needs more time to finish the tasks as every developer needs to test them before submitting to Q&A dep. Besides, the Q&A team needs less time in order to test all of the tasks from the development team, as they were already partly tested. That allows the whole crew to be time and cost-efficient and even cut human resources in every step of the project development. Basically, with this approach, developers have to test the released tasks more thoroughly. Accordingly, the load on the testers is reduced, because ideally, they are only testing the product versions of the site comprehensively, and not each task separately. With rare exceptions when there is some sophisticated new functionality but the developer gives the request to test it before the production.
  3. With well-built 2 weeks sprints that TheSpoke team is using, as a whole cycle of web development, all changes on the website go live whenever they are finished and tested and not at the end of 2 weeks sprint which increases web dev velocity.
  4. TheSpoke team widely uses HotFixes, – with immediate changes on the platform in case of any bugs or other issues within the application. With the Release on Demand, HotFixes are so much easier to implement as well as they could be uploaded to the production at any time.
  5. Whole TheSpoke application is full of unit tests, provided by web dev and Q&A teams. With the release on demand approach unit tests and automated tests are extremely relevant and useful and allow to reduce the time for testing tasks for developers and reduce the likelihood of bugs on the production.
  6. TheSpoke team has a new approach to testing. Now, for each new feature, a test server is raised where it can be tested before it is flooded into production. This is especially true for those features that affect a lot of functionality and for example when everything is ready, the tester additionally checks if everything works properly or perhaps something is broken. In order to facilitate the testing of new features (those that need to be tested by a pre-production tester), we have raised the test servers for each of such features. As soon as the feature is ready, the test server automatically rises for that feature and the link is drawn. The tester goes to this link and tests a new feature, after the feature is uploaded to the production, the test server of that feature is automatically destroyed.
  7. As an additional feature to release on demand method, TheSpoke has a complicated notification system, that sends triggers emails/calls to the full cycle of project’s developers in case of urgent bug on the website of the project. Such a useful notification system helps to promptly notify the bug on the subfield and take action to eliminate it.

As once said Sean Parker to Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network movie: call it just “Facebook”! Perhaps, THE SPOKE will become just SPOKE in the nearest future.

But anyway, on July 20, 827 users found new movies, series, and restaurants by using The Spoke, which means an increase of 29%.

With that being said, the future of TheSpoke is so bright that it burns our eyes.


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