Software Development

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    In a digital era marked by rapid innovation and shifting sands, the values a software company adheres to can set it apart from the competition. LaSoft, a technology-driven entity, stands tall not just due to its tech prowess but also its deeply ingrained values. These values, available for all to see on our values page,…
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    Software companies, like all organizations, benefit from having clear and articulated values because they form the foundation of the company’s culture, identity, and decision-making processes. These values go beyond mere words on a mission statement; they represent the guiding principles and beliefs that shape the company’s behavior, interactions, and impact.
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    Why do digital product development companies always develop better products than software outstaffing and outsourcing vendors?
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    If you ask what’s the best modern way to develop applications, the preference would be given to low-code software development. Gartner predicts that by 2024, this method will account for 65% of all application development. This is not surprising, since there are numerous crucial reasons why more and more businesses switch to low-code development systems.…
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    Technical debt is something no one wants to fall into. But once you are bound to it, you may come across the logical question: how do you reduce technical debt?
  • Developer Driven Testing

    Developer Driven Testing

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    The other side of the moon We’ve all heard about the Test-Driven Development, but how about the reversed approach – Developer Driven Testing (DDT)? What can we gain and what can we lose by writing our code before writing tests? Let’s explore this approach to software development, which implies setting up QA processes without a QA…
  • Test Driven Development

    What is Test Driven Development (TDD)?

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    Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development process in which a developer writes test of their code before writing the code itself. The test-first concept encourages repetition of very short development cycles with the writing of just enough code to pass the test. 
  • mean stack

    Introducing the MEAN stack

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    The Disruption Technology disruption has already disrupted. Everything has changed with the pace of digital revolution, from our everyday lives to the way how we work and code. The fast moving and diverse environment of web development is no exception. During the recent years everybody in the web community speaks about the MEAN stack. What…