Low-Code development systems and their benefits

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If you ask what’s the best modern way to develop applications, the preference would be given to low-code software development. Gartner predicts that by 2024, this method will account for 65% of all application development. This is not surprising, since there are numerous crucial reasons why more and more businesses switch to low-code development systems.

If you aren’t familiar with this trendy concept yet, or want to know what the key benefits of this approach are, then you’re in the right place!

What Does Low-Code Development Mean?

Low-code refers to a method of developing, setting, as well as updating systems and applications that do not involve any coding. In a low-code development platform, you use visual interfaces with basic logic and drag-and-drop capabilities instead of exploiting sophisticated programming languages. Such tools are easy to use and allow users with no prior experience in programming or software development to design programs for a range of use cases.

Low-code software development is a faster and easier alternative to traditional software development. It can be used to create any web or mobile application. That’s the core reason why the low-code approach is gaining more and more popularity. Many experts believe the low-code development systems have a very bright future.

Benefits of Low-Code Development Systems

Now that you are aware of what low-code development is, let’s consider the main benefits that this approach brings:

Picture 1. Low-Code software development benefits.

1. Accelerated development cycles and simple application prototyping 

Low-code software development is all about lowering the entry hurdle for new ideas and allows you to implement your projects in real life without the redundant waste of time. Digital items can now be created by people who have never coded before.

Aside from that, it shortens development cycles. Instead of weeks, flawlessly working items and visually appealing designs may be generated in minutes. Low-code app development allows people with no technical knowledge to create unique apps, while also reducing development time.

However, choosing the low-code development approach, you mustn’t neglect strong security and in-app protection built-in from the design stage for the sake of speed or convenience.

Picture 2. Simple application prototyping.

2. Shorter time to market

Low-code platforms help businesses develop and launch the apps quicker. You will lower your backlogs, come to market faster, and realize the value sooner. Intuitive visual builders, conveniently available code snippets, report templates, and forms, as well as in-built connectors, all contribute to the fast launching of the new apps.

For example, for numerous years Gartner and Forrester, two of the world’s leading research firms, have been generating reviews and ratings of low-code platform providers. They concluded that the traditional process of developing a custom app is time-consuming and quite dynamic. On the other hand, low-code platforms drastically reduce development time. That’s how 72% of low-code developers produce apps in three months or less on average, compared to six months or even years in the case of traditional development.

3. Control of access

Here is another fantastic benefit of developing low-code software: users can easily grant access to their software. They can control who gets access to the application at both the broad and micro levels. In low-code systems, the application author can designate users as administrators, co-owners, or end-users.

4. Productivity gains and agility in the workplace

One of the major problems SMBs and especially startups face is the lack of agility and in addition difficulty staying afloat when the market changes. That’s where low-code development systems come to business’ aid. They boost agility and productivity as well as help companies respond to changing market conditions quicker. What’s more, low-code programming makes it easier than ever to create adaptable programs designed for performing specific tasks.

IT businesses can accomplish more in less time by streamlining the development process and expanding the usage of automation. For example, such features as monitoring and alerting employees when a process is at risk of failing can prevent the app crash. If a server is overburdened, reroute operations to avoid bottlenecks and delays, or run remediation workflows to keep SLA.

4. Decreased costs 

Creating apps with no coding is a straightforward and quick procedure. As a result, the time saved by using the technology directly equates to cash saved and increased overall profitability. Pre-designed user interfaces are used in low-code development platforms. As a result, low-code software development reduces the costs by 50-90%!

Skilled developers are not only hard to come by, but are also costly to hire. The low-code approach eliminates the need for composing a team of developers, which lowers the cost of recruiting. Furthermore, it’s more cost-effective to use a no-code development platform to maintain the app after the launch.

5. Improved customer service

Technology has the potential to make a tremendous impact on digital consumers’ experiences. That’s why it should be developed carefully. A low-code software development approach will help solidify connections, improve brand loyalty, and make it simpler to locate products and services that are particularly tailored to the users’ requirements. Low-code systems may be used to update, amend, or construct entirely new sections to satisfy the needs of consumers. 


The low-code approach is all about transforming the way companies deliver software. The development process becomes more effective, agile, productive, and fast. The creation of versatile programs to accomplish specific tasks is easier than ever before thanks to this.

What’s more, you can dramatically improve customer service by employing low-code software, which provides a better, more satisfying digital experience. It’s also a proven way to avoid all of the costly and time-consuming hassles and generate workable solutions in no time.

Here at Lasoft, we develop custom software using low-code development systems to bring customers all the benefits that are described above. Contact us to receive assistance in building a top-notch software based on the low-code approach that will meet your business goals and reach the market in just three months!

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