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  • LaSoft is a Top B2B Company in Ukraine

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    LaSoft is a European, business-oriented software development company that helps startups disrupt markets, get traction – by building innovative applications. Every year, Clutch releases their Leader Awards, a list of the top B2B companies on their site according to geographic location and service line. We are thrilled to announce that Clutch has named LaSoft a…
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    The Spoke is a generally new way of experiencing the good-old “happiness content” (like movies for thy mind and cafés for thy heart). Released on The Product Hunt platform, they have all the prospects to become a new Netflix, or Amazon Prime (or even smth bigger in my view). And like all of the highly…
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    Recommendation systems are a large class of models, the purpose of which is to increase business and service performance due provision of relevant recommendations to the user at the right place, at the right time and through the right communication channel. Especially when you use the right software development company. PRINCIPLE OF WORK OF RECOMMENDATION SYSTEMS AND…
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    In today’s digital world data are becoming more valuable. If we look around, we will see a huge amount of different services that are supposed to make our life better and easier. They try to help us, give a piece of advice, help to find the necessary information. From giants like Google to startups and…