Mobile Development

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  • IT Outsourcing to Ukraine

    IT Outsourcing to Ukraine: Risk or an Opportunity?

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    8 min
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    Despite the ongoing unprecedented changes posed by the full-scale Russian invasion, Ukraine’s IT sector remains operational and thriving. Although the situation is challenging, the country is going through a testament to the spirit of the Ukrainians and their unwavering commitment to excellence and progress in any professional field.
  • Starting an App Development Project

    Starting an App Development Project

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    9 min
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    This comprehensive exploration of starting an app development project aims to provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to embark on your app development journey confidently.
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    When getting an app developed, one of the most important choices in the early-stages is the coding language and platform it’s built on.  Apps always start as ideas. Blank canvases for businesses to offer a range of solutions and features that customers want and need. One of those choices for the coding language is between…
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    When a business needs an app developing, there are a wide number of choices to be made in the discovery stage. That’s when everything is a blank canvas. One of those choices is which technological route to take, which means native vs. hybrid mobile app development. If you are wondering what native vs. hybrid means,…
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    Whether a web development company is developing a website, mobile app, database, dashboard, or other technology solution, there is always a tech stack involved. A tech stack is a series, or layers of tools and solutions used to develop websites and applications. Solutions and tools such as programming or coding languages, frameworks, libraries, patterns, software,…