Web and Mobile Team Development Campaigns and Tools

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Whether a web development company is developing a website, mobile app, database, dashboard, or other technology solution, there is always a tech stack involved.

A tech stack is a series, or layers of tools and solutions used to develop websites and applications. Solutions and tools such as programming or coding languages, frameworks, libraries, patterns, software, servers, UI/UX solutions, and tools used to bring all of this together and create the end-result.

In most web development companies, such as LaSoft, the tech stack is quite extensive. Dozens, if not hundreds of tools and solutions are used to develop websites, apps and other tech products and platforms. Often, what’s used depends on the approaches and methodologies, what works best for developers and client projects.

When companies such as LaSoft work with and alongside in-house teams, the technology solutions also depend on what those teams use. Aligning tech stacks isn’t the easiest endeavour, and sometimes training is needed to familiarise one team with the tools another uses. In this article, we look at five of the most important web and mobile development tools and languages we use for projects at LaSoft. 


Five LaSoft Web and Mobile Development Tools

#1: Angular

Angular is an open-source web development framework, based on TypeScript, first created and launched by the Angular team at Google in 2016. It was released as an open-source framework using the MIT License, and has an active community of contributors.

Angular is also the effective front-end of what’s known as the MEAN stack, which includes the MongoDB database, the Express.js web application server, Angular, and Node.js, which operates as the server runtime environment.

It’s one of the most popular open-source frameworks, so many developers understand how to use it. This understanding needs to come with knowledge of TypeScript, which can be tricky at first due to some complicated syntax, features and component management.

However, as a fully fledged framework it comes with an extensive and growing library of features, modules, plugins and numerous other tools you need to develop a website or mobile application. Built into Angular is two-way data binding, which reduces the complexities of data flow and the need for as much code.

Picture 1. Angular development tool.

#2: React

Also known as ReactJS, or React.js, is another hugely popular open-source frontend JavaScript-based library, first launched by Facebook in 2013. Having some knowledge and experience with JavaScript, HTML and CSS makes using frameworks such as React easier. It was released under the MIT License, and has an active community of contributors.

Although with it being primarily about the front-end and UI, developers often need to use other libraries and tools for server-side functions and routing. React has unidirectional data flow, which is faster than Angular. In many ways, everything about React is faster, both for developers using it as a framework and for the end-users.

Picture 2. React development tool.


#3: Python / Django

Based on the popular coding language, Python, Django is an open-source web development framework. First launched in 2005, it has an open source repository that is maintained by the Django Software Foundation, with a license for anyone to use under 3-clause DSB.

Numerous high-profile websites are built partly with this, such as The Washington Post, Instagram, even the Mozilla browser, Firefox. Some of the advantages for developers, and therefore the websites and apps being built using this framework is the plug-and-play nature of components, a reduced need for code, low coupling, and a focus on rapid development.

Rapid development is an advantage for several reasons. It makes websites and apps quicker to build, which reduces the cost for clients. It also means that the user experience is meant to be faster, more efficient, smoother, and better for everyone in a number of ways. Django comes with a huge library of plugins and features, and is also perfect for database-centric apps.

Picture 3. Python/Django development tool.


#4: Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Ruby on Rails is an open-source server-side framework, written in Ruby, and launched publicly under the MIT License. RoR started life within the project management software, Basecamp (37Signals at the time). Basecamp CTO & Co-founder, David Heinemeier Hansson, created and launched the initial version of this framework open-source, once he extracted it from the Basecamp code-base.

It was first launched in 2004, and in that time over 5,000 developers have committed to the code-base. Many more have created plugins, and other tech solutions as part of the community. Every year there are dozens of conferences and hundreds of other meetups, including numerous in Ukraine.

RoR is considered easier and better to use than many frameworks. One of the reasons for that is The Rails Doctrine, and a focus on Convention over Configuration, which has considerable advantages for developers and therefore companies that want websites built using RoR.

Picture 4. Ruby on Rails development tool.


#5: MongoDB

When developing a website or mobile application, developers need to think about the server-side applications that form a key part of the overall architecture. One of those that could be used is MongoDB, which is also part of the MEAN tech stack, with Angular at the front-end.

MongoDB is an open-source, document-orientated database, which is classified as a NoSQL database. It’s developed by  MongoDB Inc., and licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL). It’s written in C++, JavaScript and Python, and was first launched in 2009. As database technology goes, MongoDB, is easy to use and highly scalable.

Picture 5. MongoDB development tool.

Websites and mobile apps usually involve a complex layering of front-end, back-end and database technology. Within and interwoven in those layers are other tech tools, plugins, themes, code and APIs, depending on the intended outcome of the project. At LaSoft, we know how to work with hundreds of these tech tools and solutions, to make the fastest and easiest-to-use web and mobile applications that will delight your end-users.


LaSoft: Your web and mobile development agency. We are a technology partner you can trust. Get more information today. LaSoft provides a wide range of services, including web and mobile development, product design, management and quality assurance. 

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