Web Development

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    So you have decided to order a web app from a web app development company (or perhaps you have already placed an order). You are a client, and no one expects you to know all the intricacies of the process. Knowing who is in the web application development process responsible for your project can be…
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    Successful applications such as Instagram, Uber, Spotify, and numerous others have one thing in common; they’ve used a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach. With this software development technique, business owners get a chance to test their products’ viability and feasibility. Companies exploit MVP development benefits and build new features according to user testing data. They…
  • Top Software Development Vendors in Ukraine

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    When it comes to selecting a software development vendor, we know there is a lot of choice, and choice can be overwhelming. Especially when you are hundreds or thousands of miles away. Unlike software companies at home, you may never meet any of the developers working on your project in Ukraine. How do you choose…
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    Whether a web development company is developing a website, mobile app, database, dashboard, or other technology solution, there is always a tech stack involved. A tech stack is a series, or layers of tools and solutions used to develop websites and applications. Solutions and tools such as programming or coding languages, frameworks, libraries, patterns, software,…
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    Real estate applications, such as Zillow and Trulia, are big business. Real estate, as in property, whether rentals, or homes for sale, or commercial property is the biggest business in the world. As an asset class, property and real estate dwarfs everything. A home is the most valuable thing the majority of people who can…
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    Gatsby JS is one of the most popular open-source JavaScript frameworks for developing static websites, feature-rich and naturally SEO optimized. Whether you need a blog or a dynamic landing page, Gatsby JS technology is increasingly popular amongst developers. It was launched in 2015, and already, based on the May 2020 W3Techs Technology Market Report, Gatsby…
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    As a sector, property and especially property rental marketplaces, is exciting for software developers and entrepreneurs. It’s always going to be a growth area. Money can always be made from property, and one of the most exciting things right now is finding new ways to innovate around existing concepts. Concepts such as real estate marketplaces,…
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    When getting software developed, you need an agency that will deliver. A reliable agency, a partner in technology, and one that’s going to work well with your processes, team and values.
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    Today we’re gonna discover a complicated but extremely important subjects in web development – Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery of software solution. In previous articles on this blog we have always talked about how to make sure that you’re gonna develop a highly-qualified web product. But only after you finished all of the sprints &…
  • LaSoft tech stack | Technology reviews

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    What is a tech stack? A tech stack is defined as the set of technologies an organization uses to build a web or mobile application. It is a combination of programming languages, frameworks, libraries, patterns, servers, UI/UX solutions, software, and tools used by its developers. Read more about the most popular technologies, that wildly used…