Corporate Governance

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    In the rapidly evolving domain of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the intersection of technology and ethics has become a critical area of concern. AI, defined broadly as the capability of machines to mimic human cognitive functions such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making, has permeated various aspects of our daily lives, from healthcare and education to finance…
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    In a digital era marked by rapid innovation and shifting sands, the values a software company adheres to can set it apart from the competition. LaSoft, a technology-driven entity, stands tall not just due to its tech prowess but also its deeply ingrained values. These values, available for all to see on our values page,…
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    Software companies, like all organizations, benefit from having clear and articulated values because they form the foundation of the company’s culture, identity, and decision-making processes. These values go beyond mere words on a mission statement; they represent the guiding principles and beliefs that shape the company’s behavior, interactions, and impact.
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    Last month LaSoft team had a tough, but the most fascinating task forever. We had discovered more than 30 different KYC companies all around the world and had chosen our very own TOP-7 among them by using good-ol’ team’s brain shower. During 2 weeks we had talked with the sales teams of those companies. I’m…
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    All our interactions with the Internet are about exchanging data. We go online to get information, but we also have to be ready to give our personal details. So does it mean that any service can use personal information of the user if he gets to interact with it? It has been so, but the…