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  • Mistakes to Avoid When Learning Python

    Mistakes to Avoid When Learning Python

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    3 min
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    When learning Python, it’s common to make mistakes along the way. However, being aware of potential pitfalls can help you avoid unnecessary setbacks and accelerate your learning process. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when learning Python.
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    In today’s digital world data are becoming more valuable. If we look around, we will see a huge amount of different services that are supposed to make our life better and easier. They try to help us, give a piece of advice, help to find the necessary information. From giants like Google to startups and…
  • ruby on rails vs javascript

    Node.js vs Ruby on Rails

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    7 min
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    In recent times, software development has become all about frameworks. Why? The main reason is that creating from scratch such a sophisticated program as a web application may take a lot of time and efforts. Don’t take it wrong – I mean not the “Hello World” type of apps but those that provide excellent user…
  • node.js vs php

    Node.js vs PHP

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    6 min
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    There’s no doubt – PHP is the most known and commonly used language for server-side scripting. Before Django and Ruby on Rails gained popularity (2005-2006), there was hardly any more suitable option for back-end than PHP. However, the tech world is fastly evolving in the direction of simplicity (“Javascript everywhere”) – what used to be…