Design thinking

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    The creation of user-oriented IT products plays a very important role in the modern world of development. At the same time, some teams continue to create websites and applications that are inconvenient for users. In this article, we will tell you about the Design Sprint methodology, which allows you to literally look into the future,…
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    Nowadays, modern designers are turning to classical literature more and more in order to truly study in depth various aspects of design to transfer them to the Digital sphere. If you want to become a true professional, you definitely need to read specialized literature from the field of design and everything involved with it. The…
  • User experience design patterns

    UX design patterns

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    Information technology is full of patterns, which help us analyze the world and create things with a guarantee of fitting users demands. Loosely speaking, the pattern is a regularity that one can use to build similarly looking and functioning systems. For instance, software developers identify and use patterns to create reusable solutions for solving similar…