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    Developing marketing dashboards can provide several compelling reasons for businesses and marketing teams. These dashboards are valuable tools for visualizing and tracking marketing performance, making data-driven decisions, and optimizing marketing strategies. Here are some key reasons to develop marketing dashboards.
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    Effective project management is the cornerstone of success for creative agencies. As the complexity of projects and the need for collaboration increase, the choice of project management software becomes pivotal.
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    Hey LaSoftians, here are TOP-news from the digital world. Read them, post comments below and enjoy our very own #LaSoftDigitalNews!:) 1. Facebook Pay is a new payment system for WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Facebook is launching a new payment system today, appropriately named Facebook Pay. It will be available across Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp,…
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    Let’s play a game! Imagine, you have a huge e-commerce store, or online catalog, or website portfolio. Things are going very well, every day hundreds (or even thousands) users visit your website, spent some time and then left, without any conversion action. What should you need to do, or change in order to return those…
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    Who do you think you are? The potential customer of every modern company or startup asks himself that challenging question every day. More than that, he chooses his individual mask by using social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, VK, Snapchat, TikTok, Pinterest and many more.  Fashion flows change every day, and in the nature…