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Collecting Hashtags From Social Networks | TagWarriors Battle

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Who do you think you are?

The potential customer of every modern company or startup asks himself that challenging question every day. More than that, he chooses his individual mask by using social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, VK, Snapchat, TikTok, Pinterest and many more. 

Fashion flows change every day, and in the nature of humans is to be desired and desire more. New clothes, smartphones, jewelry, cosmetics, cars, laptop, etc. And all of that tarnish in the face of Awareness in SMM, in the form of new followers and engagements in personal social media profiles.

In pursue of recognition, people are ready to gain marvelous things. Terrible, perhaps, but marvelous of course.

Advertising campaigns, influencer’s cooperations, and giveaways are TOP-3 the most popular ways of gaining social recognition in 2019. But all of these methods are tarnished in the face of Hashtags.

Mr. HashTag began his long and successful way in 2007 from the easy hand of its creator – Chris Messina.

 Using the pound sign motivated Chris Messina to offer a comparable system to be used on Twitter to tag points of concern on the microblogging system. He tweeted the first hashtag on his personal Twitter’s profile on August’ 23:

How do you feel about using # (pound) for groups. As in #barcamp [msg]?

I bet that Mr. Messina had no idea what did he do by posting just 1 tweet (the same as many of us).

In 2019 millions and millions of people are using hashtags in various fields and with multiple purposes. 

Analyzing and managing their creation and using, together with data-based reports are key features of every enterprise that wants to have a successful business path and to grow up to huge international corporations.

The hashtag, in general, is just a type of metadata tag used on social networks such as Instagram and other microblogging services, allowing users to apply dynamic, user-generated tagging which makes it possible for others to easily find messages with a specific theme or content. 

The hashtag may include letters, digits, and underscores. Searching for that hashtag will yield each message that has been tagged with it. A hashtag archive is consequently collected into a single stream under the same hashtag. 

There’re a few popular hashtag’s monitoring and managing systems in the world wide web, that has multiple functionalities and diverse kind of features.

The greatest example of all of them is TagWarriors. They’re offering for their users’ unique opportunities to choose and fight between individual hashtags in the customized, flexible dashboards.

TagWarriors is a dashboard system integrated with Twitter that helps to get data about certain hashtags. In the end, customers are able to track a competition between hashtags and see the counter update in real-time. By defining the location of the tweets, TagWarriors will show which countries are mentioning hashtags the most. The winner is the hashtag that has the most mentions.

If you want not just review engaging analytics about diverse hashtags from social networks, but also use the power of Mr. HashTag for your own good, you need to learn how to apply hashtags implementation strategy for the diversity of social networks, as it varies from its audience, ages, locations, and interests. 


Using appropriate hashtags could improve your engagement, as long as you don’t go overboard. Three hashtags per tweet should serve. When you use a couple of hashtags and specifically ask your followers to retweet, this can result in even more engagement.


Recommended to only use one or two on this platform. More than that will make you seem unprofessional and will most likely annoy those, reading your posts. Posts that you are intending to be found should be posted as public rather than just among your parents and colleagues. This will enable anyone who is interested in the topic indicated by your hashtag to find your post.


People haven’t always emphasized the use of hashtags, but they work on this platform the same way as any of the other social media platforms. If you publish long-form content on LinkedIn, use a few hashtags in the body of your post. Four hashtags are normally suggested for that social network.


Using more hashtags usually leads to more engagement. Use up to twelve related and trendy hashtags on this platform for the best reach. You can actually use as many as 35 hashtags on Instagram. You probably don’t need to use that many, but it’s good to know that using more is acceptable here, so you can experiment with what works for you.


Hashtags are an excellent way to help people find your content based on keywords. Use up to three hashtags that are applicable to your topic. On this platform, broad terms aren’t likely to do any good. Use hashtags that are individual or particular to your subject.


When you’re composing a post on your Tumblr page, you’ll see a field at the bottom asking you to add “tags.” When you start typing a tag for your post, Tumblr will automatically add a hashtag to the front of it.


Hashtag use within that social media platform is most prevailing in the comments section. Users can leave comments with hashtags, which will then click through to a page with videos that contain that hashtag in their title. However, it’s conceivably more crucial to execute a keyword strategy since hashtags are not generally embraced by users yet.


Sorting by various hashtags can make it more straightforward for you to find projects that pique your attention or plans for financing on that network.

In this part of the article, you should finally apprehend how crucial for you and your business is to comprehensively track, manage, plan and use Hashtag Strategy in the future.

As an awe-inspiring way of finishing every enjoyable discussion, we could play a battle.

What about Queen Bey ( a.k.a. Mrs. Carter) and her breathtaking Lion King’s 2019 movie? 

TagWarriors’ platform announces his verdict:

But let’s try to play more further: What about your personal query?

Are you interested, who will win in the Grammy vs Oscar battle, Phyton vs PHP, Kanye West vs A$AP Rocky, LaSoft vs SoftServe, or Tableau vs Power BI fight?

Let’s search your individual hashtags and post the results into the comment section. 

We’ll wait for your champion right here! 🙂 


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