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Dana Luhova

    About the author

    Dana Luhova, a Digital Marketing Manager, has leveraged her extensive experience to create content that inspires both our clients and team members. Her work encourages innovative approaches at every stage of building brand awareness in the software development market. Dana’s dedication to excellence and creativity ensures that our marketing strategies are not only effective but also resonate deeply with our audience, fostering growth and engagement.

    Dana’s articles

    • Published on
      Let’s play a game! Imagine, you have a huge e-commerce store, or online catalog, or website portfolio. Things are going very well, every day hundreds (or even thousands) users visit your website, spent some time and then left, without any conversion action. What should you need to do, or change in order to return those…
    • Published on
      The Spoke is a generally new way of experiencing the good-old “happiness content” (like movies for thy mind and cafés for thy heart). Released on The Product Hunt platform, they have all the prospects to become a new Netflix, or Amazon Prime (or even smth bigger in my view). And like all of the highly…
    • Published on
      Ethics as science is ancient, as our world. And tedious – also as our world:) But the curious thing in ethical concepts and principals is their flexibility to the real-life conditions. Every time when new field or sphere arises on the horizon, ethic, as many-headed hydra, grows up the new head. The same story had…
    • Published on
      Who do you think you are? The potential customer of every modern company or startup asks himself that challenging question every day. More than that, he chooses his individual mask by using social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, VK, Snapchat, TikTok, Pinterest and many more.  Fashion flows change every day, and in the nature…
    • Published on
      It’s been 15 years by now since the world decided to change. Who could have said, that changing in the company’s life cycle will lead to huge changes in data analysis and collaboration between presentation and implementation of key performing indicators? But the thing is that right now we can’t imagine our lives without comfortable…