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Andriy Tatchyn

    About the author

    Andriy Tatchyn brings over 15 years of experience in the software development industry, with a strong background in consulting and leadership roles. He founded LaSoft in 2014 to leverage his extensive expertise in helping businesses use technology to solve complex problems and optimize operations. Andriy holds a Master of Science (MS) in Technology Management and has identified and analyzed over 500 technological business cases throughout his career. His passion for collaboration and building strong foundations enables him to guide businesses in Business Operations, Technology Strategy, and System Architecture. He upholds the fundamental values of integrity, hard work, trust, and respect, which are the bedrock of LaSoft and fuel their commitment to helping clients succeed.

    Andriy’s articles

    • dedicated team pros and cons

      Pros and cons of the dedicated team model

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      Time to read
      5 min
      Published on
      In this article, I will guide you through dedicated team pros and cons. We’ll see what it’s suitable for and how you can integrate it into your work processes. The main idea of this model is that the client hires a separate dedicated development team for working on a particular project (for instance, new product…
    • Published on
      Fair enough, UI/UX has become one of high-demand IT services (according to IT surveys, UI/UX design ends up at the top skills/professions among in IT) – you may have an extremely “smart” system under the hood but if customers struggle to interact with it, nobody would care about your efforts. However, before creating a prototype,…