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E-signatures solutions discovery (part 2)

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API Functional Units

What functionality do third-party services allow to use via API connection.

API Research of Functional Units

Comments on the functionality that can be used through the connection API and with which it is not entirely clear how it works.

HelloSign (API v3)

DocuSign (API v2.1)

PandaDoc (API v1)

Esignature.io (API v0)

Eversign (API v0)

Concordnow (API v1)

Elado.online (API v0)

AdobeSign (API v6)

API Research Summary

The API discovery process was done to reach the next goals:

  1. Using third-party services for covering the functionality such as managing templates, documents, and signature of ToNote.
  2. Using third-party service for covering some part functionality of ToNote.
  3. To have the possibility to change the third-party workflow in a way that we want to.

During the API discovery, we understood how third-party services should work so that we could use them. They should have two parts. The first one is an embedded editor widget, and the second is an embedded signing widget.

Embedded editor widget – it’s a widget for use on the ToNote platform for creating templates or documents from scratch or by using existing files. It has close features that we would like to have.

Embedded signing widget – it’s a widget for use on the ToNote platform for signing the documents.

Some web services have an embedded widget model by using iFrame. They provide creating templates or documents with their own interface and workflow. They work with already existing documents. They don’t have the option to create templates or documents from scratch. In some services changing their workflow may be impossible or quite hard.

Testing was done by using the demo version if it was possible or information that was provided by the platform. 

Web platforms are not good at creating documents by using widgets in the way that we want to. The best way is to create functionality from scratch how we would like to see and use it.

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