Software Development Blog

Tag: Web Development

WebApp development team structure: roles and responsibilities

So you have decided to order a WebApp from a web development agency (or you might have already made an order). You are a client, and nobody expects from you to know all the intricacies of the process. But what can be really helpful for your further communication is to know who is who in a Web development team that is in charge for your project.

Node.js vs PHP

There’s no doubt – PHP is the most known and commonly used language for server-side scripting. Before Django and Ruby on Rails gained popularity (2005-2006), there was hardly any more suitable option for back-end than PHP. However, the tech world is fastly evolving in the direction of simplicity (“Javascript everywhere”) – what used to be the language of the front-end has successfully expanded to the back-end. So now we are facing the popular back-end dilemma – “Node.js vs PHP”. Let’s